•  0115 962 6355

Self Appraisal

We consider that our organisational and financial strengths include:

  • We have survived, grown and remained financially stable over 20 years despite a lack of core funding
  • We combine a policy of financial prudence with artistic innovation
  • We have a supportive structure, with Board of Trustees, Advisers and other volunteers sharing our goals and values
  • We have built a committed following of members as internal stakeholders – keen, committed and providing stability and continuity
  • We have enjoyed continuing encouragement and support from the Arts Council
  • We have permanent, experienced administrative support

We benefit financially from:

  • Considerable goodwill in the form of volunteer effort and artists’ fees reduced or waived
  • A low-cost operation
  • Ongoing financial support from sponsors, trusts and Friends
  • An established relationship with Nottinghamshire County Council and Ashfield District Council

We have a distinct ethos, with a strong sense of community, clarity of purpose and consistency of commitment to our core vision.